Stroke Smarts: CVA vs TIA Understanding How To Be Heart Healthy
There's more than one kind of stroke a person can experience. Explore how to prevent strokes.
Heartbeat Harmony: Discover Your Rhythm-Restoring Options
Atrial fibrillation can cause an arrhythmia, which in some cases is life-threatening. These solutions can get your heartbeat back to normal.
Decoding Your Heart Rhythm: 3 Tips Post Cardiac Catheterization
Find out the best tips to maximize recovery after a heart procedure like a cardiac catheterization.
A New Rhythm: Pacemaker Implantation For Heart Failure
Pacemakers enhance the quality of life by effectively maintaining a steady heartbeat and preventing abnormalities and heart failure.
Pounding Heart: 4 Signs You Should Go To The Hospital
A pounding heart may signal that something is wrong. Chest pain, dizziness, confusion, fainting or difficulty breathing may require a trip to the emergency room.
The Road To Heart Health: What To Expect After A Mild Stroke
Optimizing your health after a mild stroke involves recognizing warning signs, receiving proper medical intervention, reducing risk factors and strengthening the heart.
Outsmarting The Silent Killer: Strategies For Preventing High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is a disease that leads to serious health complications. High blood pressure is preventable by leading healthy lifestyles and avoiding unhealthy behaviors.
Restoring Heart Rhythm: Treatment Options For Arrhythmia
A heart arrhythmia is a serious health condition. Once diagnosed, patients have a variety of treatment options available to improve quality of life.
What Is Angioplasty? A Lifeline For Heart Blockages
With the advent of cardiac catheterization and angioplasty, heart disease and blockages can be treated to restore blood flow, reduce symptoms, and save lives.
CHF & Your Heart Health: How To Treat Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive heart failure significantly impacts quality of life. Taking steps to treat the condition can help improve overall heart health.
Innovative Cardiac Interventions: Exploring Heart Cath & Arrhythmia Treatments
Advancements in interventional cardiology have provided hope for patients with cardiac conditions. Procedures improve the accuracy of diagnosis and enable targeted treatment.
Stroke Recovery & Prevention: 4 Things To Do To Recover From CVA Or TIA
Stroke recovery is essential for proceeding to live a healthy life. Follow these guidelines to navigate the effects of CVA or TIA.
Hypertension: Managing High Blood Pressure For Optimal Health
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a dangerous condition if left untreated. Several lifestyle changes and medications can keep hypertension under control.
Title: CVA vs TIA: Preventative Measures To Improve Your Heart Health
Taking care of heart health is key to avoiding severe consequences. Understanding CVA vs TIA is also essential to receiving the right treatment.
Cardiac Interventions: Love Your Heart With Heart Rehab
Heart rehab is performed after treating a heart ailment. This intervention makes the heart stronger, reduces future risks, and improves life.
Know Your Numbers: The Signs Of Hypertension That Need Immediate Medical Attention
Certain hypertension symptoms, such as headache, chest pain, and fatigue, along with high BP readings, are signs that require immediate medical attention.
Chest Pain, Dizziness & Shortness Of Breath: Do You Need A Cardiac Intervention?
Chest pain, dizziness, and shortness of breath may be underlying signs of a serious heart condition requiring cardiac intervention.
Your Heart Health: 3 Treatments For Irregular Heartbeat For A Better Quality Of Life
An irregular heartbeat can indicate an underlying heart condition. With a doctor's help, effective treatments can improve heart health.
Can You Fix Heart Arrhythmia? Treatment Options At Your Local Hospital
Arrhythmia is the abnormal rhythm or rate of the heart. This can be managed with medications, surgery, or therapies such as vagal maneuvers or cardioversion.
Are You A Candidate For Angioplasty? What To Expect During Life-Saving Cardiac Intervention
Angioplasty opens blocked arteries and improves blood flow for patients with heart conditions such as coronary artery disease.
Heart Catheterization & Your Health: Diagnosing Cardiovascular Disease
Learn how heart catheterization can aid in diagnosing and treating heart conditions through early detection and after the procedure.
Heart Arrhythmias: The Beat Goes On, But When Is An Ache An Emergency?
Some forms of heart arrhythmia are normal, while others are more serious. Understanding the difference helps people know when to seek urgent medical care.
CHF: How To Know When A Heart Ache Requires A Trip To The Hospital
CHF is the heart not pumping blood efficiently. Help is needed with or without other symptoms such as irregular heartbeat or dyspnea.
Hypertension Prevention: How To Outsmart The Silent Killer And Avoid A Trip To The ER
Navigating life with hypertension is possible. Gain practical prevention tips on managing high blood pressure to stay out of the hospital.
TIA vs CVA: Am I Having A Mini Stroke Or A Regular Stroke?
A stroke is an interruption of blood supply to the brain, either a CVA or TIA. Following the FAST protocol is vital.
Having Trouble Managing Your High Blood Pressure? When To Seek Help For Hypertension
Hypertension can lead to severe health problems. If blood pressure management is challenging and symptoms appear, seek immediate help.
Is It Common To Experience Chronic Chest Pain? Benefits Of A Heart Cath For Angina
Chronic chest pain must be taken seriously as this can be a symptom of a serious issue. A heart cath can reduce symptoms.
How Long Does A Mild Stroke Recovery Take? Lifestyle Changes After A Transient Ischemic Attack
A mild stroke is a serious occurrence requiring recovery. Lifestyle changes can restore a better quality of life after a transient ischemic attack.
Is Your Heart Pounding For No Reason? Learn the BE FAST Symptoms Of A Heart Attack
The signs of a heart attack are sometimes ignored. Learning the BE FAST acronym can help people experiencing a heart attack.
Do You Need A Pacemaker? Treatment Options For Congestive Heart Failure
At more advanced stages of congestive heart failure, the heart needs support to function effectively.
After A Heart Attack: What Is Cardiac Prevention & Rehab?
Cardiac prevention and rehabilitation are done to improve heart health. Rehab includes patient education on exercise and lifestyle changes.
Balloon Angioplasty & Your Heart: What Is Cardiac Catheterization?
Cardiac catheterization determines how well the heart works by inserting a tube into a blood vessel leading to the heart.
BE FAST: Signs Of A Stroke & When To Get To The Hospital
Strokes of all types show specific symptoms that people nearby can detect. Using the BE FAST method helps to know when to go to a hospital.
Angioplasty & Cardiac Stent: When To See A Cardiologist For Your Heart
Patients with suspected coronary artery disease or a blocked artery can benefit from angioplasty and a cardiac stent.
Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy: Rehab After A Stroke
After a stroke, patients can lose both physical and cognitive abilities. Combining physical, occupational, and speech therapy can help.
Anxiety Or Arrhythmia? Going To The Hospital For Chest Pain
Unexplained chest pain? Determining the difference between anxiety and arrhythmia is crucial for getting effective care.