Outsmarting The Silent Killer: Strategies For Preventing High Blood Pressure

Outsmarting The Silent Killer: Strategies For Preventing High Blood Pressure

The Dangers Of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that strains the heart muscle. High blood pressure refers to the force of the blood moving through the arteries. The pressure is too high, and this tension makes the heart work harder to pump blood through the vessels. Blood pressure is broken down into 4 categories: normal, elevated, stage 1, and stage 2. The unit of measurement used for blood pressure readings is millimeters of mercury (mmHg).


Understanding the numbers

A blood pressure reading features two different numbers called the systolic and diastolic measurements. The first or top number in the reading is systolic. This number measures the force of blood against the artery walls while the heart beats. The second or bottom diastolic number calculates the pressure as the heart rests. The systolic number for a normal blood pressure reading should be 120 mmHg or less, while the diastolic number should be 80 mmHg or less.

Elevated blood pressure levels

An elevated blood pressure reading is cause for concern and will make a physician start monitoring the patient. High blood pressure can lead to heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, heart attacks, and other serious conditions. An elevated reading is a systolic reading above 120 mmHg and a diastolic reading above 80 mmHg or less. At this point, the patient is not diagnosed with high blood pressure and levels can be managed down to a normal reading.

Stage 1 and stage 2 high blood pressure

A stage 1 reading is the first sign of high blood pressure. In this reading, the systolic number is 130 mmHg or higher and the diastolic number is 81 mmHg or higher. Once patients reach this level the doctor will prescribe medication and enforce lifestyle changes. People are at higher risk of developing heart disease and getting a heart attack. The stage 2 hypertension reading is 140 mmHg and higher with a 90 mmHg diastolic reading.

Ways to prevent high blood pressure

Age is a major factor in high blood pressure development. As patients age, plaque buildup starts to harden. However, high blood pressure is avoidable. One of the best ways to avoid high blood pressure is through exercise and maintaining a healthy body weight. Excess weigh puts more strain on the heart and can lead to other health complications.

Reducing sodium intake and eating a well-balanced diet

The key to a healthy body weight is healthy food. Eliminating foods with saturated fats, high sodium, and excessive sugars will improve a person’s overall health. Patients should focus on eating healthy whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and healthy seeds like nuts. People should also limit alcohol intake because alcohol raises blood pressure. Smoking also elevates blood pressure levels.

Work with a doctor

A physician can work with patients struggling to manage hypertension. People should contact a physician to learn more about high blood pressure and ways to prevent the disease. Doctors will also monitor patients to ensure certain health interventions are working properly.

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