Effective UTI Treatment: 3 Prevention Tips Recommended By Urology

Effective UTI Treatment: 3 Prevention Tips Recommended By Urology

Understanding UTIs

A urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria invade the body’s urinary tract system via the urethra. Often, UTIs develop from bacteria in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract spreading to other areas of the urinary tract system. Urinary tract infections affect both males and females, but females are more susceptible to these infections due to female anatomy. If left untreated, a UTI can develop into a serious infection. In severe cases, the bacteria can invade the kidneys and cause complications that lead to kidney failure.


The urinary tract system

In both women and men, the urinary tract system is comprised of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, sphincter, and urethra. The kidneys filter out the waste products in blood and food. The waste is called urea, which combines with water and waste substances to create urine. The ureters are tubes that transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder. The bladder stores urine before it’s released through the urethra tube. The sphincter muscles surround the bladder to prevent urine leakage. If urine stays in the ureter too long, a patient can get a kidney infection.

Symptoms of a UTI

Some of the most common symptoms of a UTI are incontinence, the constant need to urinate, pain in the pelvic or abdominal region, pain during urination, urine with a strong odor, and cloudy or bloody urine. Individuals may contract UTIs from sexual activity, using catheters, and not properly wiping after using the restroom. Taking certain types of birth control, urinary tract issues, and menopause are additional risk factors. If UTI symptoms are suspected, an appointment should be made for further assessment.

Preventing UTIs

Urinary tract infections are painful and uncomfortable. However, these infections are preventable. If the right precautions are taken, the chances of contracting a UTI will be low. Here are some tips to help patients avoid UTIs.

1. Focus on hydration

Studies have shown that consuming large amounts of liquids throughout the day can lower UTI risk. Research shows that cystitis occurrences, a type of bladder infection, are drastically reduced when the patient drinks a lot of water. Water is known to flush bacteria out of the bladder and urine. Patients should try to consume at least 6 cups of water a day.

2. Urinate frequently

Increased water intake will also lead to frequent urination. The constant release of fluid will eliminate bacteria from the urinary tract system and prevent buildup within the ureters. While using the restroom, patients should wipe from front to back. This method stops the transmission of bacteria from the anus to the urethra. During intercourse, bacteria can get transmitted to either partner’s urethra. Urinating after sex will also drastically reduce UTI occurrence.

3. The benefits of berries and bacteria

Cranberries contain a substance that staves off bacteria development within the uterus. Patients can drink cranberry juice or take cranberry supplements to feel the added effects of the fruit. Probiotics are microorganisms that produce healthy gut bacteria. Probiotics can also help reduce the harmful bacteria that lead to urinary tract infections.

Treat and prevent

If a UTI is suspected, individuals should seek medical assessment and diagnosis. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help with pain and treat the infection. To prevent recurrence, focus on prevention tactics such as drinking plenty of liquids, urinating frequently, and taking supplements known to reduce the risk of UTIs. With a healthy lifestyle, urinary tract infections can be a problem of the past.

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