Delivering A Baby: The Stork’s Secrets To A Smooth Arrival At Your Hospital

Delivering A Baby: The Stork’s Secrets To A Smooth Arrival At Your Hospital

Getting Ready For Baby

With a due date quickly approaching, many women wonder how best to prepare for hospital admittance. Asking the right questions ahead of time and arriving to labor and delivery with a thought-out plan can ensure a smooth and positive experience. Bringing a baby into the world doesn’t have to be stressful with adequate preparation during pregnancy.


Arriving safely

Although many movies portray labor as a frantic moment where people rush to get to the hospital, the reality is often much different. For most women, the decision about which hospital to deliver at will be made early in pregnancy based on where the patient’s doctor has admitting privileges. Once the facility is confirmed, pregnant women and partners can determine the safest route to the hospital, factoring in possible complications like traffic. Look into parking options ahead of time, if possible. Many hospitals also offer tours, which can be a helpful way for women to become oriented to the exact location where labor and delivery will occur.

Birth plan in hands

Another important consideration is a birth plan. Pregnant women should spend some time writing down preferences for labor. This could include information about whether an epidural is desired, who should be in the hospital room, birthing position preference, lighting requests, and desired postpartum care. A written plan can help keep information straight when pregnant women are distracted by labor pain or exhausted from a long delivery.

Packing for 2

What to bring to the hospital is a question many women have at the end of pregnancy. Although the hospital will supply many essentials, such as diapers and pads, certain comforts from home can be nice. Some women like to pack a personal pillow or blanket, and for others, a robe or pajamas can ensure maximum comfort. Don’t forget the baby will also need an outfit to go home in. In fact, most women pack 2-3 different options since the infant’s size is difficult to predict. Socks and a hat can also help keep the newborn cozy at the hospital.

A car seat is a must

With so much to pack, people can often forget the most important accessories. A car seat is mandatory to be released from the hospital. Ideally, the patient should install this device in the vehicle well before contractions start. Women can either bring the seat into labor and delivery upon arrival or send a partner or friend down to retrieve the car seat once the baby is discharged and ready to go home. Nurses can help ensure the car seat straps are correctly fitted before the parents depart with that new bundle of joy.

Preparation is key

Getting to the hospital safely is the last step in a long 9-month journey. Women who are prepared with directions, parking information, a birth plan, a properly packed suitcase, and a car seat for the baby can breathe easy. A little preparation can ensure a smooth arrival at the hospital and a straightforward discharge home.

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